
A Little Bit About Me.

When I was 11 in 6th grade, I had thought that Mr.Pate's Technology class was going to be about typing and keyboarding. However in that same day as he was explaining the cirriculum I started realizing it was quite the opposite. His class showed how much I enjoyed working in graphic design. As we started learning Photoshop and other programs I realized that I had an intrest and enjoyed graphic design more than I thought. When I was growing up I really didnt have many intrest in one specific thing. So when I was able to start doing graphic design and staying with it for 3+ years I felt accomplished and proud that I had an intrest in a field that is growing and will keep growing throughout the next years. As I start to advance into my life, I can see myself portraying a career having to do with technology and the skills I have obtained. In my future I want my profession in the medical field as a Optometrist has evolved in way they have examined eyes and are to include more technology to find cures and help peoples vision intrest me. I also want to take my hobbie of doing makeup and become a makeup artist where in the future i can digitally show the client what the makeup would like before I start doing the clients makeup. 

Become certified in Adobe

I want ot be certified in Illustrator, Photoshop, Priemere, and Animate. Being certified in all of these programs i could advance my start in my profession. Colleges and bussiness owners could see my accomplishment and ask me to do a project for them or give a scholarshipp to a school of digital design.

Get a scholarship for college 

I want to be able to get a schloarship to a college because of my academic accomplishments. I want to be able to say because of my focus and hard dedication i was able to go into a good college and I'm able to start on the right path to my future profession. 

Become a makeup artist

I have been intrested in doing makeup on other people to show how makeup can be a way to express your creativity through a different form of art. The stereotype that women or men wear makeup to impress someone is not true in some cases. People like to exprees their talents in different ways. 

Become an Optometrist/ Opthomoligist

I have always been intrested in how the eye exams were done and how they are able to get so precise to getting someone's vision perfect. I want to help people understand why they need glasses and how to help them see the world more clearer. In my futre I see myself becoming an optometrist or optomalogist which is a higher field of examining eyes.